The photo shows two cyclists at sunset on the Haniel heap in Bottrop

Our RevierRouten - The 17 best cycle tours in the Ruhr area

The cycle path network in the Ruhr area is huge: that alone node system offers you over 1200 kilometers of cycling for your tour planning. There are also many other cycle paths that can be confusing at first glance. To simplify your search, we have put together the 17 most beautiful cycle tours in the for you - our RevierRouten!

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The RevierRoute for getting started

The photo shows a cyclist on the Zollvereinweg Essen at the Phenomania World of Experience in Essen at the RevierRoute Probierstück

Trial piece – Experience the on a small scale 

At 29 kilometers, our test piece is the shortest of the 15 RevierRouten and takes you past the absolute highlights of the Ruhr area - such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein. Ideal to get a first impression of the bike tours in the Ruhr area that we have put together for you!

From steel kitchen to garden city

Traveling on disused railway lines

The photo shows two cyclists at the Bochum Railway Museum on the RevierRoute Bahngeschichte(n)

Railway history(s) – experience routes

The railway lines, on which a large part of the raw materials and goods were transported at the height of industry, are now well-developed cycle paths. The RevierRoute Bahngeschichte(n) takes you far away from traffic along these routes and takes you back in time for a few hours. 


Experience rivers and canals

Discover the history of the Ruhr area by bike

The photo shows a cyclist on the Rhenish Donkey in Witten on the Black Gold RevierRoute

Black Gold - Find out the way of coal

The coal had a long journey: first it had to be mined from the deepest layers of rock, then transported to the coking plant and processed there into coke before it was finally burned to make steel. You can follow this path of the coal with the most important stations with your bike on this unique RevierRoute. 

Heaps, fields & meadows

The two new ones (from 2024)


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